Lawrence John Balanza
Computer Science B.S.

Other Projects

E-commerce Website

December 04, 2023

NextJS e-commerce application written in Typescript that utilizes Stripe API to process payment.

Workout Buddy

November 21, 2023

MERN stack application created to keep track of workouts. Uses MongoDB to keep track of workout data, as well as the time when the workout was created. This website utilizes JWT authentication and password encryption for security. The frontend is deployed on Netlify, the backend on Railway.

Connect Sphere

October 25, 2023

Developed the front end of this mock social media website. Implemented multiple features such as the sign in, sign up page, home page, and message page.

Joint Action Workout System (JAWS)

May 10, 2023

Take user characteristics, such as weight, height, equipment available, and produce a week of workouts for the user!

IoT Door Alarm

June 22, 2022

An IoT device capable of detecting whether a door is opened or closed. Using a buzzer, the device uses a series of beeps to notify the user when the status of the door changes.